This blog is defunct! Check out my new music blog at
Obviously, this blog is inactive. A year of fairly feverish posting was about enough for me. Still, though, I do think that I did some pretty decent work during my blogging period, so this post is here to collect together links to the posts that I think are the most interesting.
Book Reviews:
Bellos, Alex Futebol: The Brazilian Way Of Life
Bergner, Daniel God of the Rodeo: The Quest for Redemption in Louisiana's Angola Prison
Brooks, David Bobos in Paradise: The New Upper-Class and How They Got There
Burke, Jason Al-Qaeda: The True Story of Radical Islam
Coates, James Armed and Dangerous: The Rise of the Survivalist Right
Frank, Thomas What's the Matter with Kansas?: How Conservatives Won the Heart of America
Glenny, Misha The Balkans: Nationalism, War & the Great Powers, 1804-1999
Hiassen, Carl Kick Ass
Hiaassen, Carl Team Rodent: How Disney Devours The World
Jones, LeAlan and Lloyd Newman Our America: Life and Death on the South Side of Chicago
Powell, Robert Andrew We Own This Game: A Season In The Adult World Of Youth Football
Queenan, Joe If You're Talking to Me, Your Career Must Be In Trouble
Schlosser, Eric Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs, and Cheap Labor in the American Black Market
Shakur, Sanyika Monster: The Autobiography of an LA Gang Member
Wrong, Michaela In the Footsteps of Mr. Kurtz: Living on the Brink of Disaster in Mobutu's Congo
New York
More Brooklyn Demographic Stuff
Photoblog: A Long Walk On An Ugly Day
Photoblog: The Bowery
Racial Segregation in Brooklyn
The Bowery and the Changing Face Of New York
Are Americans an Ethnic Group?
Rice Chasin'
The Continued Demise of Detroit
The Meth Epidemic
Young America
The Rest of the World
Review: Bus 174
Dubai Fresh
Glasgow Murder City
Letter from Tajikistan
South Korea's Triumph
Historical Essays
Religious Practice and Change in 19th Century Catholic Europe
The Failure of Socialism in Ghana
The Irish in Canada
The Puritan Failure To Reform Public Morals Under Cromwell (Part Two)
What Impact Did The American Civil War Have On Canada?
Why Did France Lose It's Empire in Indo-China? (Part Two)
Everything Else:
Demography and the Future (Part Two)
Identity Politics and the Modern Progressive Malaise
Music & Politics
Shrinking Back From The Abyss
Topic for Discussion: What is the West?